© 2020 Asia Motion E-Sports Limited, All rights reserved.
網上預約注意事項 Reminder
*目前每組預約上限為 4 人;如人數多於 4 人之預約,可致電6824 5526聯絡AME職員安排時間分流。
The maximum number of players for each group is 4. For groups with more than 4 players, please call AME staff at 6824 5526 for special arrangement.
歡迎使用AME Stadium的預約系統,只需按照以下簡單5步,3分鐘即可簡單完成預約!
Welcome to AME Stadium appointment system. You can complete your appointment within 3 minutes with the following 5 simple steps.
Select your desired game or plan, following by the date and time.
You may also walk-in while the waiting time is subject to the number of visitors.
請務必填寫正確電郵地址及完成網上付款程序,確認預約後,您將會收到系統發出的電郵確認信 。
Please fill in a correct email address and finish the online payment procedure. You will receive a confirmation email upon successful appointment.
請攜同確認電郵並於預約時間前10分鐘到達AME Stadium。
Please bring along the confirmation email and arrive at AME Stadium 10 minutes before the scheduled time.
Please present the confirmation email to our staff and you can enjoy the game at AME Stadium.
預約細則須知 Terms and Conditions of Appointment
凡成功預約者,請於預約時間前10分鐘到達AME Stadium,進行登記手續及設定人物角色。
Please arrive at AME Stadium 10 minutes before the scheduled time for the registration and character setting.
如預約者遲於預約時間15分鐘或以上到達AME Stadium,將會視為放棄預約之時間,工作人員將會安排現場輪候或下一時段之玩家進場。
Those who are late for more than 15 minutes, will be counted as absent and the timeslot will be released to customers from the next timeslot.
Customers can login this appointment system for modification or cancellation at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled time.
Customers must present the confirmation email for verification booking and identity upon arrival, either presenting on electronic device or print-out.
Those who are absent for multiple times or causing malicious damage to system will be blacklisted, and they will be prohibited from making any appointment in the future.
AME Stadium / Asia Motion E-Sports Limited 保留一切最終決定權。
AME Stadium / Asia Motion E-Sports Limited reserve for right of final decision.
Photos / videos not accepted without permission.
For enquiry, please contact AME staff by the following means :
電郵 Email:info@ame.gg
WhatsApp / 查詢電話 Enquiry Tel:+852 6824 5526
了解及緊貼AME Stadium最新動向,即上:
Learn more about AME Stadium :
網站 Website: https://ame.gg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AME.Stadium
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amestadium